I am an architect whose professional life is devoted to creating order from chaos. Some nights I wake up in a cold sweat having narrowly escaped from this thing. Even in the warm light of day, I know it’s still out
Mechanicals Gone Wild

I am an architect whose professional life is devoted to creating order from chaos. Some nights I wake up in a cold sweat having narrowly escaped from this thing. Even in the warm light of day, I know it’s still out
Here’s a sneak peak of a modern kitchen I am hoping to revive in Minneapolis. The home is a fifties rambler. While the existing, white kitchen has not quite flatlined, it’s close, and I intend to defibrillate it. Here’s how (stand back): Open
With some credit also due his mother, the Renaissance hill town of Urbino, Italy gave birth to the renowned, Raphael (the painter, not the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle). In homage to both Raphael’s, here are two of my sketches, one
How long is the journey to paradise? All I know, young grasshopper, is it begins with a single step. Or, in this case, a single drawing. Then more drawings. Ultimately, lots of drawings. And then a few more for good
O wise and honorable, dead architect, what do you mean the details aren’t the details? If they aren’t the details, then what are the details? There are no details. Huh? There are no details? How can…? Of course there are details, they make
Does the Batcave have a kitchen? If you are reading this, Bruce, call me. I designed a badass custom range hood. For you, I’ll even paint it black. Of course, I didn’t design it with the Batman in mind (well not consciously,
When you hear, “Hawaii,” is this what you imagine? Hopefully, it will be once this modern, glass house is complete.