I’m beginning to think that all of our kitchens should have a special place set aside for a flower – a place for something alive (but not alive like a monster or Frankenstein – unless you are into that kind of thing. In which case,
Something Alive

I’m beginning to think that all of our kitchens should have a special place set aside for a flower – a place for something alive (but not alive like a monster or Frankenstein – unless you are into that kind of thing. In which case,
Ahhhhhh. The sounds of power tools and small children! One of Beck’s buddies, Andres, came over mid-December to play with him, so instead of Xbox (mostly because we don’t own one), we went into the shop to play with the
Here are a few pictures to give you an idea of what was involved in making this year’s minimal Christmas ornament (I say it’s a snowman, some say chicken, others penguin). My wife, Robyn, thinks these ornaments just appear by
For each of the past twenty-three years I crafted a Christmas ornament for my wife, Robyn. Because of this, for twenty-three years I haven’t had to go to the mall and buy her a real gift (I bet you guys wish you had thought
Check out our final two Christmas card alternatives for the year. Which do you prefer? Wishing you a Frosty Christmas and a snowy new year!
If you are going to get lost, do it in Venice. And, bring a pencil… Someday I’ll have to put some color on these. It just isn’t Venice without.
Designing anything unique has its pitfalls. Sometimes unexpected things happen, don’t work correctly, or a cartoon duck shows up! The design of this stone tile floor emblem is a great example. Most people never see it (I didn’t until a couple of years after the fact),
Cold, Cold, Cold, in the winter. Chilly in the spring. Cool in the fall. Summer… awesome. Wait a minute… is it winter or summer?
A walk down memory lane leads back 20 years to the first home I ever designed. Thank you Scott Addyman! You trusted me to design your home when we had zero, nothing, nada in our portfolio. Here’s to you Scott!
Designed on a hillside in southern California, this house features a cantilevered glass dinette. Even the floor is glass. With the ground falling away beneath your feet to the distant lights of the city below, it’s the next best thing to