When you hear, “Hawaii,” is this what you imagine? Hopefully, it will be once this modern, glass house is complete.
Modern Glass Home in Kauai, Hawaii

When you hear, “Hawaii,” is this what you imagine? Hopefully, it will be once this modern, glass house is complete.
A thick blanket of Missouri snow drapes one of our homes: looks like a good time to cozy up with a book, hot cocoa and a roaring fire (maybe make a few snow angels first).
In my neverending quest to create “art you can live in”, I present this home in Calabasas, California. But, not as art for art’s sake. Anyone can design a home as a piece of sculpture, or as a shocking statement,
A walk down memory lane leads back 20 years to the first home I ever designed. Thank you Scott Addyman! You trusted me to design your home when we had zero, nothing, nada in our portfolio. Here’s to you Scott!
Designed on a hillside in southern California, this house features a cantilevered glass dinette. Even the floor is glass. With the ground falling away beneath your feet to the distant lights of the city below, it’s the next best thing to
What happens when you get a bunch of architects together for a camping weekend (you know who you are!) and then ask them to collaborate on the design of the perfect mountain home… This is their design sketch and my interpretation of
Notice the roof of this house appears to float above the walls. Aside from the obvious aesthetic appeal, the transparent glass gap between the walls and the roof allow the interior to “seep” outside and the outside to “flow” inside the
A good house complements its site while enhancing the lifestyle of its inhabitants. Some neighborhoods call for traditional styling, yet others scream ‘anything goes’. This is one of those.
Quick sketches deconstructing the traditional gable home – just asking the question “how much can you break apart the design of a traditional home and still retain the iconic essence of a house?” At what point does the home become